Monday, June 17, 2013

Man of Steel a Pro-Adoption and Pro-Family Film According to Its Producer

Russel Crowe
On June 14, Warner Bros. Pictures’ “Man of Steel,” opened nationwide to a box office opening weekend of $128 million. Directed by Zack Snyder, it stars Henry Cavill, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, and Antje Traue.

During a recent interview, spoke with producer Deborah Snyder about the heart of the film; its messages.

Snyder notes that there's a strong adoption and pro-family message in the film and that they adopted during production:

To have this really strong message of family and how family supports you and how family loves you unconditionally, no matter who you are, and how family shapes you and shapes who you are going to be.
 She continues:

It is about family. Who is your family and what family really means. Especially today, where families are not as traditional as mom/dad/two kids, I think the message here is family is what you make of it. It’s the people who love you. It might not be the people who gave birth to you biologically, but it’s the people who’ve adopted you into their life and will give you this love, this unconditional love. And it could be anybody. I think that is a really great, positive message.
 She also speaks to the oft-mentioned parallel to Christ:
I think that, in many ways, Superman is a Christ-like figure. I think that a lot of the themes of sacrifice, hope, love, leading by example as Jesus did, I think that that is very accurate. He is this man who has extraordinary powers and people follow him. I think there are a lot of parallels.
 Read full article here.