Thursday, August 2, 2012

Josh Turner Not Afraid To Share His Faith

 Not every person called to a career in music is called to be a Christian artist. Just ask Josh Turner. A devout believer and double-platinum selling country star, the influence of Turner’s faith and family is woven throughout his music, beginning with his 2003 debut hit “Long Black Train.”
Though some artists who make a living courting mainstream consumers are sometimes a little hesitant to talk about their faith, Turner has no qualms.

When asked why it’s important to him to write and record songs that express his faith, Turner told gmc,
“Because that’s a part of who I am. I’ve always tried to be who I am. I’ve never claimed to be a preacher. I’m not trying to preach to people, but at the same time, I’m commissioned to speak the name of Jesus and that’s a huge part of me, so if I leave that part out of my music, I’m leaving a part of myself out that is very important... It is a very conscious decision so there’s [sic] several songs on this record that lean to the spiritual side of things. I’m a very spiritual person. Some people refer to my faith as a religion and it’s not a religion. It’s more of a relationship.”

full article here