Friday, June 18, 2010

Rebecca St. James on Hannity

Popular Grammy Award winning Christian artist, Rebecca St. James was on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” this week making her third appearance on the “Great American Panel” panel in the last few months.

With the fall 2009 release of her starring role in the film, “Sarah’s Choice,” giving voice to a strong pro life agenda, Rebecca is devoting time this year, amidst plans for new music and more films, to a series of special appearances nationally for crisis pregnancy and right to life organizations.

She describes her involvement on behalf of the centers as one the most rewarding results of her creative association with "Sarah’s Choice."
“My passion for the pro-life message has grown tremendously as I have encountered firsthand the dedication and importance of their mission for the unborn. It is just beautiful to see their work, and I’ve felt so incredibly fulfilled and energized, coming alongside of what they’re doing and supporting them in such a small way,”
she noted in a recent interview.