Tuesday, August 28, 2007

10 Best CCM Bands of All Time

There are many other worthy bands, but I gave the nod to those with longevity and greatest impact to the industry. Talent is clearly implied.

10. Stryper - Definitive work: To Hell With the Devil
9. Audio Adrenaline - Definitive works: bloom/Lift
8. The Choir - Definitive work: Circle Slide
7. Third Day - Definitive work: Come Together
6. Jars of Clay - Definitive works: Jars of Clay/Much Afraid
5. Delirious? - Definitive work: King of Fools
4. Whiteheart - Definitive work: Freedom
3. Guardian - Definitive work: Bottle Rocket
2. DC Talk - Definitive work: Jesus Freak
1. Newsboys - Definitive works: Not Ashamed/Adoration

Pioneer Award: Petra

On the cusp: David Crowder Band, Switchfoot, Casting Crowns, MercyMe and Avalon.