Tuesday, April 3, 2012

'American Idol' Contestants Receive Spiritual Support

"American Idol" contestants often endure long days and harsh criticism from judges and audiences. During that time, one may wonder if their spiritual needs are being tended to. Linda Bellesi, though, is determined to take care of contestants and minister to their needs.

Bellesi has worked with contestants from the past seven seasons, opening up her home to their family members and assisting both financially and spiritually to those who appear on "American Idol."

"Seeing God put the pieces together, there's no way I could have made all of that happen," she explained. "This is our message. We're all on assignment every day of our lives."

What does Bellesi think of this season's contestants? So far she has worked with Colton Dixon, who has spoken publicly about his faith.

"Colton is the Tim Tebow of 'American Idol,'" she told the Today show. "I have had some really unique opportunities to pray over him and give input where I can."

full article here