Thursday, March 31, 2011

Filmmaker: I found God in Hollywood

It’s not impossible to be a Christian in Hollywood, Lee Stanley will tell you. What it does take is guts - the same guts it takes to be a Christian anywhere, he says.

Stanley wasn’t a believer when he moved from New England to California in the 1960s. He was in love with a fantasy – not the idea of making it big on the big screen, but being around the water all the time.

The aspiring baseball player had realized he wasn’t going to make it to the major leagues, so he turned to another passion - diving. He had no idea the trek West would lead him on the road to becoming a filmmaker who tells stories of redemption and faith.

Stanley details his life in “Faith in the Land of Make-Believe,” published this month by Zondervan. He said he wrote the book to “to encourage people that have wandered away or lost the confidence in the things that have been on their heart for years.”

Article continues here.